
20112011x2012-20122012x2011(节能减排 英文2011-2015MTI各校真题短语翻译对照)


(暨大2012)1. WIPO: 世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

2. UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) 3. Academy Awards: (美国)电影艺术科学院年奖;奥斯卡金像奖

4. West Point: 〈美〉西点陆军军官学校; 西点军校 5. Vogue: 时尚;流行

6. Decentralization: 分散;非集权化

7. Carve Her Name with Pride: 《女英烈传》(英国电影) 8. Xenophobia:仇外;排外

9. Ethnocentrism:民族优越感;民族中心主义;种族中心主义

10. Holiday Inn:假日酒店;假日旅馆 11. Irrevocable letter of credit:不可撤销信用证

12. Appreciation of RMB: 人民币升值 13. Financial turmoil: 金融风暴;金融危机

14. Disposable chopsticks: 一次性筷子 15. environment-friendly product: 环保产品

1. 国家安全部: Ministry of State Security

2. 中国人民政治协商会议: the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

3. 常务委员会: Standing Committee

4. 司法公正: judicial justice

5. 科教兴国: make the country strong through science and education; rejuvenate the country through science and education

6. 抗洪救灾: fight floods and provide relief

7. 外向型经济: export-oriented economy

8. 黄金储备: gold reserve

9. 贸易逆差: trade deficit

10. 温室效应: greenhouse effect

11.《道德经》: Tao Te Ching

12. 伪科学: pseudoscience

13. 文化摇篮: cradle of culture

14.《论语》: The Analects of Confucius

15. 冲突主导关系: conflict-dominant relationship

(2014南京) Genebank: 基因库

YOG:青奥会(Youth Olympic Games) Euromart:欧洲共同市场(European Common Market)

negative population growth:人口负增长 the European economic community:欧洲经济共同体



无人售票:self-service ticketing

战略伙伴关系:strategic partnership

和平过渡:peaceful transition

西部大开发:Go-West Campaign;China Western Development

打假:anti-fraud campaign;crack down on counterfeit goods

市场准入:market acces

反腐倡廉:combat corruption and build a clean government

工业园区:industrial park

素质教育:quality-oriented education ; education for all-round development

(14广外)1,十八届三中全会 the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee

2,国家民族事务委员会 State Ethnic Affairs Committee

3,中国地震局 China Seismological Bureau

4,主管部门 competent department

5,玩忽职守 neglect of duty

6,徇私舞弊 play favouritism and commit irregularities

7,以……为把手 take ..as the key point/link, focus on, make...the fulcrum for

8,国际会议口译员协会 International Association of Conference Interpreters

9,绿化覆盖面积 green coverage

10,行政问责制 administrative accountability system

11,暂行规定 temporary provisions

12,一站式服务 one-stop service

13,国际惯例 international conventions

14,得寸进尺 reach out for a yard after taking an inch

15,《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber

16,National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会

17,Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development 联合国经济发展特别基金

18,The Baltimore Sun 《巴尔的摩太阳报》

19,court of first instance 一审法院

20,underwriting contract 证券包销合约

21,licensee of a patent 专利持有人

22,China-EU maritime transport agreement 中国-欧盟海洋运输协议

23,venture capital 风险投资

24,The Great Depression 经济大萧条

25,strategic agility 战略灵活性

26,occupational health and safety 职业健康与安全

27,low-end processing 低端加工

28,information asymmetry 信息不对称

29,diamonds cut diamonds 棋逢对手

30,The Catcher in the Rye 麦田里的守望者

(13湖大)少数民族地区: regions inhabited by ethnic groups

先进适用技术: advanced and applicable technology

中部崛起: rise of central China

平等互惠: equality and mutual benefit ; equality and reciprocity

非公有制经济: non-public sectors of the economy; non-public sector

宏观调控体系: macro-control system

执政能力: governing capacity

人大代表: Deputy to the People’s Congress

爱国统一战线: the Patriotic United Front

社会主义核心价值: Socialist core values

学习型社会: learning society

以人为本: people-oriented; people foremost; Put People First

distributed renewable energy source: 分布式可再生能源

bearing capacity of the ecological environment: 生态环境承载力

leapfrogging development: 跨越式发展 forecasting and early warning system: 预测和预警系统

address global climate change: 应对全球气候变化

cyber-economy: 网络经济


automated teller machine: 自动柜员机; 自动取款机; 自动提款机

iron man triathlon: 铁人三项;铁人三项全能 magnetic suspension train: 磁悬浮列车

real-name savings deposit system: 存钱储蓄实名制

average life expectancy: 平均寿命预期值; 平均预期寿命

municipality with an independent budget: 有独立预算的直辖市(自治市)

(13苏大)扩大国内市场规模:expand domestic markets

中国共产党十八大:the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China

推进政治体制改革 : Promoting Reform of the Political Structure

社会公平与正义: social equity and justice

知足常乐:A man who is contented will be happy. /Content is happiness.

房地产泡沫:property bubble

结构性通胀:structural inflation


反对形式主义:fighting against formalism;oppose formalism

粮食安全:food security

社会热点:hot spots of society;Social hot spot

改善民生:improve peoples livelihoods

教育体制改革:structural reform of education;reform of the educational system

航空母舰:aircraft carrier

富裕阶层:Affluent class;the rich

cultural deficit:文化逆差

black humor of Mo Yan:莫言的黑色幽默

fundraising party:筹款派对

labor insurance:劳动保险

consumer price index:消费者物价指数

the Re-Education through Labor System:劳动教养制度

non-performing assets :不良资产

distribution of social wealth:社会财富的分配

Law on the Guarantee of the Rights and Interests of Consumers:消费者权益保障法

fingerprint identification:指纹识别;指纹鉴定

the National Civil Servant Examination:国家公务员考试 Annual Grammy Awards:格莱美奖

the smart power of a country:一国的“巧实力”

the doctrine of the Golden Mean:中庸之道

酒精呼气测试:breath alcohol test

文化软实力:cultural soft power

农村合作医疗:rural cooperative medical service

环保彩票:environmental lottery

转基因食品:genetically modified food (GM food)

房地产信托资金:real estate trust funds

热钱流入:inflow of hot money

基准利率:benchmark interest rate; Base Rate

社会福利制度:social welfare system; social security system

赈灾:relieve the people in stricken areas; disaster relief; earthquake relief; relieve the people in disaster

创新型社会: Innovation-oriented Society; innovative society


寻租行为: rent-seeking (behavior)

全国人民代表: the National Peoples Congress

标普500指数:S&P 500,Standard & Poors 500 index

知青:Educated youth

蓝筹股:blue chip (stock)

需求曲线: demand curve

紧缩政策: deflation policy

“苍蝇” “老虎” 一起打:cracking down on both tigers and flies;To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the “flies” at the bottom and the “tigers” higher up.

哥本哈根计划:Copenhagen Accord (《哥本哈根协议》主要是就各国二氧化碳的排放量问题,签署协议,根据各国的GDP大小减少二氧化碳的排放量。)

海上丝绸之路:Maritime Silk Road

金砖五国:BRICS,(Brazil、Russia、India and China)

附加费: surcharge

出口配额: export quotas

增值税: value-added tax

东南亚国家联盟: the Association of Southeast Asian Nation

.IPO: 首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings) Muslim Brotherhood: 穆斯林兄弟会

OTC Drug: 非处方药(Over-The-Counter Drug)

Universal Suffrage: 普选,普选权

Hedge Fund: 对冲基金

Bilateralism: 双边主义

Air Force One: 空军一号(美国总统的专用座机)

Occupy Central: 占领中环

CPI: 居民消费价格指数Consumer Price Index

Kyoto Protocol: 京都议定书

Air Defense Identification Zone: 防空识别区

Liaison Office: 联络处;联络办公室

Implicit Cost: 隐性成本

Heal a Breach: 消除分歧

Oil-for-Food: 石油换食品

1. EQ: 情商(Emotional Quotient)

2. A/P: 应付账(Accounts Payable); 委托购买证(Authority to Purchase)

3. IMF: 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)

4. LAN: 局域网(Local Area Network)

5. GMO: 转基因生物(genetically modified organisms)

6. ISS: 国际空间站(International Space Station );工业标准规格(Industry Standard Specification)

7. ICRC: 国际红十字委员会(International Committee of the Red Cross)

8. UNEP: 联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme)

9. TARGET:泛欧实时全额自动清算系统 (Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer)

10. carbon footprint:碳足迹

11. Church of England:英国国教会

12. fine arts:美术

13. multi-language vendor:多语种供应商;多语种服务商

14. liberal arts education:博雅教育;人文教育;通识教育

15. Standard & Poor’s Composite Index:标准普尔综合指数

16.《论语》:The Analects of Confucius


18.安乐死: euthanasia

19.核威慑:nuclear deterrent; nuclear deterrence

20.概念文化:concept of culture

21.教育公平:equal access to education; Educational Equity

22.国际结算: international clearing;international settlements

23.经济适用房:(economically) affordable housing

24.文化软实力:culture soft power

25.行政问责制:administrative accountability (system)

26.保税物流园区: Bonded logistics park;bonded logistic zone

27.中国海关总署:China’s General Administration of Customs

28.黑社会性质组织:mafia-like criminal gangs; underworld organization

29.和平共处五项原则:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

30.国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020) : National Program for Medium and Long-term Talent Development (2010-2020)

1. DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid)

2. FTP: 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)

3. FAO: 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)

4. GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

5. SCO: 上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)

6. GATT: 关税及贸易总协定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

7. WSPA: 世界动物保护协会(World Society for the Protection of Animals)

8. WIPO: 世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

9. CAFTA: 东盟自由贸易区(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area)

10. UNHRC: 联合国人权理事会(United Nations Human Rights Council)

11. World Anti-Doping Agency: 世界反兴奋剂组织

12. International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups: 生物多样性国际合作组

13, Synchronous Earth Observatory Satellite: 同步地球观测卫星

14. agent ad litem: 诉讼代理人

15. export tax refunding system: 出口退税制

16.《论语》: The Analects of Confucius

17. 佛教: Buddhism

18. 核威慑: nuclear deterrent

19. 收视率: audience rating

20. 京剧脸谱: Peking Opera Make-ups;Beijing Opera Facial Masks; Peking Opera mask

21. 温室效应:green-house effect

22. 电脑动画:computer animation

23. 保税港区:bonded port (area); Free Trade Port Area

24. 法人实体:legal entity; Corporate entity

25. 次贷危机:subprime (mortgage) crisis

26. 领土完整:territorial integrity

27. 博鳌亚洲论坛:Boao Forum for Asia

28. 空气污染指数:air pollution index

29. 黑社会性质组织:mafia-like criminal gangs; Crimes committed by Mafia-like gang; underworld organization

30. 和平共处五项原则:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

CBD:中央商务区(Central Business District);交货前付款 (cash before delivery)

NYSE:纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences:瑞典皇家科学院

Chicago Board of Trade:芝加哥交易所


Multi-polar world:多极化世界

Economic aggregate:经济总量

GPS:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

UNSECO: 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

An irrevocable letter of credit: 不可撤销信用状

Shareholding system:股份制

Extensive deforestation: 过度砍伐; 大量的砍伐森林

Sustainable development: 可持续发展

The effect of greenhouse gases:温室(气体)效应

Digital media: 数字媒体

技术传播: technical communication; technology transfer

全球价值链: global value chain

国际货币基金组织: International Monetary Fund ( IMF )

国有企业: state-owned enterprise

诚实守信: Integrity;honesty and faithfulness

碳排放:carbon emission

虚拟经济:virtual economy

准据法:Governing Law; applicable law; proper law

边际成本:marginal cost

高速公路:expressway; highway

诺贝尔文学奖获得者:winners of the nobel prize for literature

金砖四国:the BRICs( Brazil,Russia,India,China)

创意产业顾问:Advisor on Creative Industry ;Creative industry consultant

另有说明除外:unless otherwise specified; unless otherwise noted;except otherwise herein provided

石油输出国组织:Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

RCEP: 区域全面经济伙伴关系(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)

a bull market: 牛市

Russian ruble: 俄罗斯卢布

anti-dumping: 反倾销

stock in trade: 库存, 存货

paid on delivery: 货到付款

unanimous vote: 全票通过

carbon footprint: 碳足迹

recursive function: 递归函数

provisional agenda: 临时议程

ready-made garment: 成衣

United Nation secretariat: 联合国秘书处

Global Environment Facility: 全球环境基金

International Refugee Organization: 国际难民组织

The World Travel and Tourism Council: 世界旅行和旅游理事会

种族歧视: race discrimination

就职演说: inaugural speech

和谐共赢: harmonious and win-win

文化事业: cultural undertakings

全民健身: nationwide fitness

本地化服务: localization services

产能过剩行业: industries with excess capacity;industries with overcapacity

放宽市场准入: ease market access; relax market access; Relax control over market entry; to expand market access; Liberalize market access

自主创新能力: capacity for independent innovation; independent innovation capability

载人航天飞行: manned space flight

促进生态修复: promote ecological restoration

公共卫生体系: public health system

科技成果产业化: industrialization of scientific and technological achievements

多语言跨文化交际: multi-language, cross- cultural communication

古为今用,洋为中用: Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China

APEC: 亚太经济合作组织 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

CAT: 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)

NATO: 北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

FIT: 散客(foreign independent tourists);一种新能源补贴政策(Feed-in-Tariff)

GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)

IMF: 国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)


Morse code: 莫尔斯电码; 摩尔斯电码(一种时通时断的信号代码,通过不同的排列顺序来表达不同的英文字母、数字和标点符号)

Translation Studie: 翻译研究

Jerusalem: 耶路撒冷

General Assembly: 联合国大会

Gallup poll: 盖洛普民意测验 (a way of finding out public opinion by asking a typical group of people questions)

money order: 汇票

Think-Aloucl Protocol: Think-Aloud Protocol: 有声思维法;有声思维报告;出声思维法 [一种收集数据的方法,用于产品设计与开发、心理学和一系列的社会科学(如阅读、写作和翻译和翻译过程的研究)中的可用性测试(usability testing)。出声思维法是由IBM的克莱顿刘易斯研发]

translation norms: 翻译规范;翻译准则

II. Put the Following Terms Into English.

双赢: win-win; mutually beneficial

三国: the Three Kingdoms

直译: literal translation

信达雅: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance

民族政策: ethnic policy ; policy towards nationalities

科学发展观: Scientific Outlook on Development

节约型社会:conservation-oriented society; conservation-minded society; a conservation-conscious society

节能减排: energy conservation and emission reduction

次贷危机: subprime mortgage crisis

服务型政府: service-oriented government; Service Government

扫黄打非: eliminate pornography and illegal publications

灾害救助制度: the natural disaster relief system

和谐社会: a harmonious society

职业翻译者: Professional translator

国际关系民主化: (practice) democracy in international relations

1. 民族凝聚力 national cohesion/cohesiveness

2. 十八届四中全会 the Fourth Plenary Session of the Communist Party of Chinas 18th Central Committee

3. 综合国力 comprehensive national power

4. 一站式服务 one-stop service

5. 零和博弈 zero-sum game

6. 费改税 tax-for-fee

7. 廉租房 low-rent housing

8. 暂住证 Temporary Residential Permit

9. 货物吞吐量 cargo throughput

10. 剩余劳动力 surplus labor

11. 洲际轨道导弹 inter-continental ballistic missile(ICBM)

12. 农田水利化 bring most farmland under irrigation

13. 博士后研究员 post-doctoral researcher

14. 申请注册域名 domain name application and registration

15. 镇馆之宝 treasure of the museum

16. royalty rate 版税率

17. income tax return 所得税申报表

18. export tax refund 出口退税

19. collegiate tribunal 合议审判庭

20. consumer credit消费者信用度

21. inflation-proof bank savings 保值储蓄

22. mission statement 宗旨,使命陈述

23. light literature 通俗文学

24. consulate-general 总领事馆

25. civic responsibility 公民责任

26. deluxe suite 豪华套房

27. relief supply 救灾物资

28. Financial Times金融时报

29. public service interpreting 公共服务口译

30. merger and acquisition 企业并购

CBD:中央商务区(Central Business District);交货前付款(cash before delivery)

API:空气污染指数(Air pollution Index);应用程序编程接口(Application Programming Interface)

NASA:美国宇航局;美国太空总署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

CIO:首席信息官(Chief Information Officer)


Ethnic Affairs Committee:民族委员会

Ministry of Land and Resources:(中华人民共和国)国土资源部

Source Document:源文档;原始文件

Retained Earning: 留存收益;留存盈余;留存利润

dabber: 轻拍的人; 敷墨具

Public Reserve Funds: 公积金

Global Position System: 全球定位系统

Treasury Bonds: 国库债券

oracle bone inscriptions: 甲骨文

Yasukuni Shrine: 靖国神社

财务报表: Financial statements; financial sheet; Financial Reporting

原始设备制造商: original equipment manufacturer; OEM

红学: Redology

安居工程: affordable housing project; housing project for low-income families

禅宗: Zen Buddhism

小品: witty skits; sketch

侨务办公室: Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs

主任编辑: Associate Senior Editor

老三届: unior and senior high school graduates of 1966~1968; school leavers of 1966~1968

电视台台长: TV Manager; TV Station Chief; TV Station Controller; TV Director

老字号: a time-honored brand; an old and famous shop or enterprise

利改税: replacement of profit delivery by taxes; substitution of tax payment for profit delivery; Tax for Profits

南水北调: south water to north; South-to-North water diversion (Project); South-North water transfer

强权外交: power diplomacy

全面小康社会: the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects; a well-off society in an all-round way

(10武大)Gallup poll: 盖洛普民意测验 (a way of finding out public opinion by asking a typical group of people questions)

money order: 汇票

Think-Aloucl Protocol: Think-Aloud Protocol: 有声思维法;有声思维报告;出声思维法 [一种收集数据的方法,用于产品设计与开发、心理学和一系列的社会科学(如阅读、写作和翻译和翻译过程的研究)中的可用性测试(usability testing)。出声思维法是由IBM的克莱顿刘易斯研发]

translation norms: 翻译规范;翻译准则

双赢: win-win; mutually beneficial 三国: the Three Kingdoms 直译: literal translation

信达雅: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance 民族政策: ethnic policy ; policy towards nationalities

科学发展观: Scientific Outlook on Development

节约型社会:conservation-oriented society; conservation-minded society; a conservation-conscious society

节能减排: energy conservation and emission reduction

次贷危机: subprime mortgage crisis

服务型政府: service-oriented government; Service Government

扫黄打非: eliminate pornography and illegal publications

灾害救助制度: the natural disaster relief system 和谐社会: a harmonious society

职业翻译者: Professional translator

国际关系民主化: (practice) democracy in international relations

(13厦大)1.全面建成小康社会: On building moderately prosperous society

2.安倍晋三: Shinzo Abe

3.翘尾因素: tail-raising factor; carry-over effects (用于股市或物价上。指上年后期价格的涨跌会影响下年)

4.中国围棋: Chinese Chess

5.骑楼: arcade (骑楼是一种近代商住建筑, 在两广福建海南等地)

6.植入广告: Product Placement; Guerilla Advertising

7.逆回购: reverse repo; reverse repurchase

8.汽车单双号限行:odd-and-even license plate rule; the “odd-even” traffic restrictions

9.乱穿马路: jaywalking

10.花旗银行: Citibank

11.两“非”(非法鉴别性别和非法终止妊娠): illegal fetal sex determination and illegal abortions

12.湄公河:Mekong; Mekong River



15.兵部尚书:minister of war(兵部尚书是六部尚书的其中之一,别称为大司马,统管全国军事的行政长官,明代正二品,清代从一品。相当于现在主持中央军委日常工作的军委副主席兼国防部长)


1. swing states:摇摆州(在美国总统政治中,摇摆州是指那些从民意调查结果中看不出哪位候选人占据明显优势的州。传统上的“战场州”有佛罗里达、宾夕法尼亚、俄亥俄等)

2. poetic justice:报应;应得的赏罚;善有善报,恶有恶报

3. drone:无人飞机

4. to scale back headcounts:缩减人员;裁员

5. cheerleader: 啦啦队队长

6. skopos theory: 翻译目的论 (是赖斯(Reiss)和弗米尔(Vermeer)于上世纪八十年代早期提出。目的论强调翻译的实用性)

7. shopping spree: 疯狂购物

8. wailing wall: 饮泣墙,哭墙〔耶路撒冷犹太会堂的残壁,犹太人作为祈祷的场所〕;〔比喻〕安慰物;慰藉

9. call to collect: 对方付费的电话

10. TEU: 标准箱(twentyfoot equivalent unit) (长20英尺为标准集装箱)

11. shale gas: 页岩气;页岩天然气

12. plastic surgery:整形手术

13. a storm in a teacup: 小题大作,大惊小怪

14. windfall tax: 暴利税

15. quantitative easing:量化宽松(政策)

(11厦大)UCLA: 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California Los Angeles)

infortainment: 信息娱乐化 (由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成,意为“新闻娱乐化”)

the “Mathew Effect”: 马太效应

European monetary integration: 欧洲货币一体化

China Rose: 月季花;中国玫瑰

IAEA: 国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)

sock puppet: 马甲

honor system:荣誉制度

forewarned is forearmed:有备无患;凡事预则立

write unsolicited testimonials: 主动写推荐信/介绍信/证明书

vital statistics: 生命统计,人口动态统计(显示一国出生和死亡的人口数字)

concept album: 概念专辑,主题唱片(有同一主题的流行音乐)

scale back production:减产

possible repercussions of our actions:我们的行动可能产生的影响

小道消息: grapevine(原意为葡萄树、葡萄藤,现在常用来表示秘密或谣言等不胫而走 by the grapevine-通过小道消息得来)

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆:to reap what one sows;As a man sows, so he shall reap.

次贷危机:subprime (mortgage) crisis

《三国演义》:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

海宝: HaiBao (上海世博会吉祥物海宝)

闪婚: flash marriage

《不见不散》: Be There or Be Square

摆架子: put on airs; assume great airs

上海五国第九次峰会: the sixth summit of “Shanghai Five” ; Shanghai Five countries summit conference

保兑银行: confirming bank

本命年: this animal year of sb; year of fate; birth year; big year; Black Snow (同名电影)

补缺选举: by-election; supplementary election

不以物喜,不以己悲: not pleased by external gains,not saddened by personnal losses

布达拉宫: the Potala Palace

《论语》: The Analects of Confucius

(13武大)Globalization: 全球化

Accreditation: 官方认证;鉴定; 认可

CAT: 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)

CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)

CRH: 中国高速铁路(China Railway High-Speed)

ASEAN: 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

OPEC: 石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Dubbing: 配音录制;电影译制;对白配音 Third-Party Insurance: 第三方保险

sampling: 抽样;取样; 抽样调查 tax refund: 退税; 出口退税;返税

overdraft: 透支;透支 after service: 售后服务 the tertiary industry: 第三产业

fiscal deficit: 财政赤字 生态文明: ecological civilization

小康社会: a moderately prosperous society 科学发展观: Scientific Outlook on Development

自由职业翻译者: a freelance translator and interpreter 律师事务所:law firm; law office

法人代表:legal representative 国有资产流失:loss of state assets; erosion of state assets

上市公司:listed company ; public company

人民币升值压力:upward pressure on the Renminbi;The pressure of RMB appreciation

外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve 信用评级:credit rating 成本价:cost price

安居工程:affordable housing project;Comfortable Housing Project;Housing Project for low-income Families

贸易保护主义:trade protectionism

三农问题:issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers; issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

(11川大)1. IOC: 国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee); 国际奥委会

2. CAAC: 中国民用航空局(Civil Aviation Administration of China); 中国民航

3. FBI: (美国)联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

4. CPPCC: 中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)

5. MDGs: 联合国千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)[2000年召开的联合国首脑会议上设定的新千年发展目标(MDGs)是,到2015年,将不能喝到安全饮用水、不能得到足够卫生设施的人口比例减半。]

6. NBA: 美国职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)

7. UNEP: 联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme)

8. DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid)

9. principle of common but differentiated responsibilities: 共同但有区别的责任原则

10. Merger & Acquisition: 兼并(Merger)和收购(Acquisition) ; (企业)并购

11. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac: 美国两房-房利美和房地美 [美国的两房是指,带有政府性质的、两个联邦住房贷款抵押融资公司,当初是美国政府解决老百姓的住房问题而组织的两个住房贷款公司]

12. Strategic & Economic Dialogue: (中美)战略经济对话

13. Non-Performing Loans: 不良贷款(NPLs)

14. purchasing power parity: 购买力平价(法); 购买力平价理论 [在经济学上,是一种研究和比较各国不同的货币之间购买力关系的理论]

15. African Union: 非盟;非洲(国家)联盟

16. 大规模杀伤性武器: weapons of mass destruction (WMD )

17. 多边贸易体系: multilateral trading system

18. 依法治国: Rule by Law

19. 可再生能源: Renewable Energy (sources)

20. 西气东输、西电东送: West-to-east gas and electricity transmission; electricity and gas transmission from the west to the east

21. 第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议: the Third Session of the 11th National People’s Congress

22. “三农”工作: work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers; the issues of agriculture, farmers and rural areas

23. 《京都议定书》: Kyoto Protocol

24. 亚奥理事会: Olympic Council of Asia ( OCA )

25. 《易经》: The Book of Changes;

26. 社会消费品零售总额: the total retail sales of consumer goods

27. 积极的财政政策: a proactive fiscal policy

28. 经济适用房: (economically) affordable house

29. 伪娘: cross-dressing (Cross-dressing runs significantly counter to social norms and, therefore, can be seen as a type of transgender behavior. It does not, however, necessarily indicate transgender identity; a person who cross-dresses does not always identify as being of the opposite gender. Referring to a person as a cross-dresser suggests that their cross-dressing behavior is habitual); newhalf (来源于日本,指拥有女性美貌的男性。英文解释如下:The Japanese word “newhalf” is used to describe a man who has made the mental and/or physical transition to being a woman. 日语单词newhalf指从心理上以及或者身体上转变为女性的男人)

30. 中国达人秀: China’s Got Talent

(12川大)1. CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)

2. SME: 中小企业(small and medium enterprises)

3. WWF: 世界野生动物基金会(World Wildlife Fund)

4. ISO: 国际标准化组织 (International Organization for Standardization)

5. CIF: 到岸价格(cost insurance and freight)

6. Foxconn: 富士康

7. MOFCOM: 中华人民共和国商务部(Ministry of Commerce of the Peaple’s Republic of China)

8. TPP: 跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定(Trans-Pacifc Partnership);跨太平洋伙伴协议

9. IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change):政府间气候变化专门委员会

10. Chemical Oxygen Demand: 化学需氧量

11. the “100,000” Strong Initiative by President Obama: 奥巴马政府的“十万强计划”;奥巴马总统发起的10万人留学中国计划 (由美国政府发起,但资金来源主要是企业、民间机构以及慈善家,而非联邦预算,该计划由奥巴马政府积极推动,预计在未来四年内招揽10万名美国学生到中国留学)

12. carbon foot print: 碳足迹

13. debt ceiling: 债务上限; 债务最高限额

14. solar photovoltaics: 太阳光电;太阳能光伏发电

15. Standard & Poor’s: 标准普尔(一家世界权威金融分析机构,总部位于美国纽约市,由亨利•瓦纳姆•普尔(Mr Henry Varnum Poor)于1860年创立)

16. 非关税壁垒: non-tariff barriers 17. 平板电视: Flat Panel Display

18. 廉租房: low-rent housing 19. 经济二次触底: bottom out for the Second time; hit bottom for the second time

20. 海选: (first/initial) audition [“网络海选”相应的英文表达为“Internet audition (system)”]

21. 剩男剩女: leftover women and men; Leftover singles

22. 地沟油: illegally recycled waste cooking oil ; recycled cooking oil; Gutter oil

23. 潜规则: casting couch; hidden rule; be forced to have sex with influential figures to promote one’s career

24. 中国载人航天计划: Chinese manned space program

25. 紧缩性货币政策: Tight monetary policy

26. 云计算: Cloud Computing

27. 民心工程: projects in the public interest; pro-people projects

28. 智能城市: Smart City

29. 《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》: Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement

30. 《中庸》: The Doctrine of Mean

(13川大)1. SAARC: 南亚区域合作联盟(South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)

2. P5+1: 指在2006年针对伊朗核试验问题,出于外交影响而形成的6个国家,它们分别是:美国、英国、法国、中国、俄国和德国 (The P5+1 is a group of six world powers which in 2006 joined the diplomatic efforts with Iran with regard to its nuclear program.)

3. QE 3: 第三轮量化宽松的货币政策

4. Social media: 社交媒体

5. CO2 equivalent: 二氧化碳当量 [Carbon dioxide equivalency is a quantity that describes, for a given mixture and amount of greenhouse gas, the amount of CO2 that would have the same global warming potential (GWP), when measured over a specified timescale (generally, 100 years).]

6. BRICS: 金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度及中国)

7. Mandatory evacuation: 强制撤离; 强制性疏散

8. the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly: 第67届联合国大会

9. Non-Aligned movement:不结盟运动

10. CDM:自动存款机(Cash Deposit Machine)

11. Hamid karzai:(阿富汗总统)哈米德•卡尔扎伊

12. UNCTAD:联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

13. SCO:上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization) 14. fisical cliff:财政悬崖

15. 中共十八大: the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

16. 移动媒体:Mobile Media

17. 亚欧首脑会议:Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 是亚洲国家和欧洲联盟国家的政府间论坛。http://-wikipedia.org

18. 光棍节:Singles Day 19. 早稻田大学:Waseda University20. 海上风能: Offshore Wind Energy

21. 反倾销与反补贴:Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy 22. 上海期货交易所: Shanghai Futures Exchange

23. 车载信息系统: telematics/telematic system ;Vehicle Information System

24. 伦敦金融城:City of London 25. 电视相亲: TV dating; TV match-up program

26. 文心雕龙: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
